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  • Chloe Wallace

Orangebox Project

I am currently in the process of designing a stool which incorporates waste material for an office furniture company called Orangebox. Orangebox aim to produce furniture which is innovative and on trend but also as sustainable as possible. My responsibility is to satisfy the needs of my client therefore I am designing a stool cover which is modern but sustainable. My goal is to come up with a solution which reduces the left over waste and supports the goal of a circular economy. My design encompasses a woodland theme to fulfil their design brief which is surrounding biophilia. I chose a woodland theme because I felt it was something unique which would not stereotypically be associated with an office. Natural forms within woodland areas can carry many textures and raised surfaces which I thought would be refreshing. To ensure I am upcycling the waste I am embellishing the scrap fabric onto sections of the stool and then printing over these sections with Opaque binder in fluorescent colours to add a modern twist to a typically conservative office chair which hides away slightly from pattern and colour. It is important to consider the full life cycle of materials because they are having a detrimental effect on our environment. The majority of left over fabrics from Orangebox are incinerated. I believe there could be a much more sustainable approach by upcycling these materials with innovation and creative thinking. Not every piece of scrap is exactly the same which could lead to some problems when designing products to look exactly the same. By including these scraps into the design and considering the unreliability of the fabric the percentage of waste will be greatly reduced over time. The main struggle companies face with producing products sustainably is that they cannot be certain the product will be fully recyclable because it is not possible to recycle every single material.

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